What is the Driving Force Behind These Regulations?

Written by ATSPACE | Aug 2, 2022 11:18:14 AM
Energy consumption within non-domestic buildings accounts for approximately 18% of CO₂ emissions across the UK. Part L2A of the Building Regulations (revised in 2006) stipulated an improvement rate of between 23.5% and 28%, above the 2002 standards, for the energy performance of new buildings – included in this was a 10% contribution from Low/Zero Carbon Technologies (LZC) to help meet these targets.

As the UK government has a long-term goal of achieving a 60% reduction in UK CO₂ emissions by 2050, it is expected that the Building Regulation Part L will enforce even more stringent standards over time. Some Councils have already introduced their own standards which require the incorporation of LZC technologies into new buildings.