When Do I Need Daylight Calculations?

Written by ATSPACE | Aug 2, 2022 10:20:00 AM

Over recent years there has been a significant increase in the importance of environmental concerns – and – local councils continue to place greater significance on considering the effect that proposed developments will have on the daylight and sunlight levels received by neighbouring properties.

For this reason, many local authorities now require daylight and solar shading calculations and ‘right of light’ assessments to be submitted in support of planning applications – and ATSPACE will provide you with the services of a fully certified assessor to evaluate the daylight efficiency of your project and produce the necessary evidence and reports to support your planning application.

Furthermore, measuring daylight efficiency is part of the requirement for both BREEAM and the Code for Sustainable Homes – and the data from daylight calculations can be used to obtain appropriate ‘credits’ at appraisal time.