
SAP Calculations - What You Need to Know

Written by ATSPACE | Apr 12, 2016 11:00:00 PM

Standard Assessment Procedure or SAP Calculations as it is known in the trade is the requirement by Building Control that assesses the energy requirement of a particular dwelling. The ratings provided are from 1-100 and based on the energy cost of that build over a year. To get signed off from building control you will need to achieve a satisfactory result from this test in accordance with the regulations. It has been made a legal requirement that SAP Calculations are implemented at design stage. As with all these tests it can be beneficial to employ an assessor prior to the date that the build is completed to assist you in applying the best foundations possible in order to pass the test with the highest results. Any changes that are made during the build that are not communicated to the assessor may result in your build failing the relevant regulations. SAP Calculations are desktop based and all that is required are the detailed plans and the construction details of the build. The SAP calculation will need to be finalised at the ‘ As built’ stage and from this an EPC will be provided and logged in the central register, Landmark.

When drawing up plans it is helpful to have the right knowledge and expertise on your side. By doing so it will enable you to implement the correct standards to pass regulations. Minimum requirements are there to be beaten. It is always best to aim high in accordance with regulations as this will not only help with the current situation but it will also make your build more energy efficient. As all new dwellings must be assessed to determine their energy efficiency, their environmental impact and their compliance in accordance with the regulations it is in your favour to be at the top of the game. ATSPACE is knowledgeable in all building compliance procedures and should you have any questions our staff are happy to help.