There are 4 types of ventilation system covered by the Buildings Regulations:
• SYSTEM 1 – Intermittent fans e.g. extract fans and background ventilation e.g. trickle vents
• SYSTEM 2 – Passive stack – which provides natural ventilation e.g. chimney. Testing is not required for this type of system
• SYSTEM 3 – Continuous mechanical extract ventilation (MEV). Typically, these are continuously operating extract fans that are installed in kitchens and bathrooms
• SYSTEM 4 – Continuous mechanical balanced ventilation with heat recovery.
The performance rates for each system type detailed in Part F are the minimum requirements necessary to ensure that adequate air quality is provided for the occupants indoors. The occupant’s health could be at risk if these ventilation rates are compromised.
Under normal circumstances, we are able to carry out Part F testing alongside our on-site Air Pressure Test, thereby enabling you to achieve both Part L and Part F compliance in the most time-efficient, cost-effective manner.